Make Your Impact on the Future

Barbara and Warren Rutherford

“Barbara and Warren L. Rutherford were lifelong, passionate philanthropists who supported healthcare, education and ministries. Methodist Health System always held a special place in their hearts because of the wonderful work and overall mission Methodist lives out on a day-to-day basis,” says Eric Gruendemann, son of Barbara Rutherford.

“Warren chose to leave a gift to Methodist Health System Foundation through the Legacy Giving Program in honor of his beloved wife and my mother, Barbara and to the institution he believed in and loved dearly,” Gruendemann said.

“His gift created the Warren L. Rutherford Nursing Lectureship Fund, which provides annual nursing lectures addressing topical issues in nursing such as leadership, best practices and continuing education. It is in this gift that Warren and my mother’s legacy will continue to live on at Methodist.”

Creating a legacy

Give a gift that lasts forever and invest in your community’s health for generations to come by naming Methodist Health System Foundation as a beneficiary in your will.

For information about Methodist’s Legacy Giving Program and our Weiss Legacy Society, which recognizes donors who include Methodist in their estate plans, we invite you to contact Jennifer Massey at 214-947-4552 or